فارسی عربي

Bird of prey released in Iran's Qom

Photos have emerged online showing a bird of prey returning to the wild in Iran's Qom Province.

Photos have emerged online showing a bird of prey returning to the wild in Iran's Qom Province. 

The rehabilitation and release of birds of prey back into the wild is a process that requires careful planning and execution.

Iranian conservationists recently did a great job, releasing a bird of prey back into the wilderness in Qom Province. 

The release site should be free of potential hazards and large enough to provide the bird with adequate space to hunt. Qom's wilderness is a unique and fragile environment for returning the birds to the wild with the loss of these birds having a devastating impact on the province's ecosystem.

Iranian environmentalists have been working hard for years to protect these birds, which are an important part of the ecosystem in the country.

This is a difficult and dangerous task, but they are committed to giving these birds a second chance to live in their natural habitat.

Efforts of such groups are helping to ensure that Iran's nature remains thriving and vibrant for generations to come.

